Customizable Client Intake Forms and Other New features Released

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend and that your practices are finding a comfortable post summer rhythm!
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I come to our office every day and have the pleasure of working with some genuine and caring people to solve two very important problems: 1) How can we simplify your day to day life as it relates to your practice?

and 2) How can we help you and your practice generate more income and reach your financial goals?

These are important questions to answer for independent practice owners.

What keeps us going and makes what we do fun is seeing how many therapists, reflexologists and other bodyworkers we’ve been able to help get to the next level of simplicity and income.

Many of you provide us with great feedback – both positive “attaboys!” as well as ideas about how we can improve MassageBook even further. We love getting both!

These past two weeks we focused on getting some of these highly requested, member generated ideas out the door, as well as addressing the few remaining loose threads around the new schedule design.

Read on for details!

Talk soon,


What’s new:

  • Schedule 2.0 – Ready for Prime Time!
  • Intake Forms – Add custom questions and fields
  • New Report – Client Lifetime Value
  • Native Mobile Apps and mobile card swiper update

What’s new this release: 2016-09-15_12-38-06

Bumpadida, bumpidada… Happy trails old scheduling!

Schedule 2.0 is now the active schedule!

Last release we added the ability to color appointments on your calendar WHATEVER color you wanted, by service or by staff.

This release we fixed a few remaining issues reported by folks using a variety of screen sizes, tablet brands and browsers.

So now what?

Everyone say “goodbye” to the old business schedule.

As it rides off into the sunset, you can still get to it for the next two weeks by clicking a link at the top of the new schedule…

Customizable Massage Client Intake Form

Add custom questions to Client Intake Forms

Among one of our most requested feature enhancements was the ability to make Client Intake Forms your own by adding custom questions.

We’re happy to share the new, improved intake forms with you…

Go to Business Settings -> Client Intake Form -> Customize to access the Intake Form and you’ll find new buttons appearing at the bottom of both the “Complaints” and “Existing Conditions” sections that allow you to add your own custom questions to your intake forms.

Check it out now!

 Massage Client Lifetime Value Report

New Report: What are your clients REALLY worth?

One of the things we’d really like to reinforce is the importance of thinking about the value of your clients in terms of their “Lifetime Value”.

How can this be used?

When you’re trying to decide whether an expense related to advertising or marketing makes sense, look at your average client lifetime value.

For example: Does it make sense to discount a client’s first visit $30 if it increases the number of new clients you see by 10 a month and 50% of those clients come back for repeat appointments? (Let’s assume the average lifetime value is $260)

“Cost” of promo = $300 ($30 discount * 10 new clients) Expected lifetime income =  $1,300  (50% * 10 new clients) * Avg Lifetime Value)

Your $300 “cost” of discounts is rewarded with an expected $1,300 of future income.  You should feel confident that this promotion would result in a very nice return.

We’ll talk more about the importance of Client Lifetime Value in the future. In the meantime, I encourage you to take a look at the report and get familiar with what lifetime values of your clients look like.

Mobile Phone App Update

The MassageBook native iOS and Android apps have been in the hands of some helpful “Beta” volunteers to allow us to get some real world experience before releasing it to everyone.

The good news is that the native Android app is working wonderfully, including the mobile card reader device, and only a few things needed attention. Look for the Android app to be made available to everyone in the Google Play store momentarily.

As for the Apple/iOS native app, we’ve discovered that older iPhones that don’t use at least Bluetooth version 4.0 are not able to connect to our wireless card reader, even though the app works fine without it. Newer Apple devices work great (the last 3 years or so – model 4S and newer).

We’re still working on the issue and seeing what we can do before officially releasing the app in the Apple Store.

Stay tuned for updates!

What we’re working on now:– Public booking of series appointments – General availability of Android and Apple mobile apps with card readers – Beautiful new mobile app re-design to support many more features

Log in and review the new features!


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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MassageBook | Receive more tip income with new Android mobile app

Series Updates and more! Release Notes for August 15, 2016

New Improvements Just Released