Friday Focus – Jesse Connor

Jesse Connor - Jesse Connor PAS, NKT, FMS, LMT, Birmingham, Ala.
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  • Favorite healthy food? Green smoothies

  • Favorite indulgence? Pizza

  • Favorite activity? Camping, hiking

  • Favorite movie/book? “Taken,”  “P.S. I love you”

  • Favorite music for doing massage? Jami Sieber radio on Pandora

  • Favorite music to listen to? 80s

  • **Favorite kind of ice cream? Butter pecan **

Background in massage? I graduated from Red Mountain Institute in April 2002 and am now the lead therapist for a MD/DC in Birmingham and am self employed.

One of the first courses I took was orthopedic sports massage with James Waslaski. The next major certification I received was from the Egoscue Method in 2007 in which I was the first posture alignment specialist certified in Alabama. I have since completed all levels of training with the Egoscue Method, culminating with Advanced Exercise Therapist.

I became the first Neurokinetic Therapist in the state last summer. This is a method of muscle testing that quickly and accurately identifies dysfunctional relationships and movement/ coordination problems between muscles and balances that relationship in the motor control center in the cerebellum. I have never seen anything grow as fast as NKT.

Shortly after that, I became certified as a Functional Movement Screener and just recently I traveled to New York City to attend Level 2 NKT, which delves deeper into the major core musculature.

What do you like best about doing massage? The satisfaction of helping people not only get out of pain but teach them how to keep themselves out of pain for life.

What inspired you to get into this industry? I have always wanted to help people get out of pain. It started in high school and continued to be a passion to this day.

**What do you find are your biggest challenges – as a therapist? as a business owner? **As a therapist the biggest challenge for me is to know when to stop going to schools.

I ****continually want to learn and bring the most advanced therapy to my clients. I think that ****NKT is going to be a major player in my career. I have never seen anything like it.

As a business owner the challenge is finding other therapists to hire who have the same passion.

What one thing would you like to change/improve about the massage industry? A more standardized set of rules and standards across all states. You’re a massage therapist or you aren’t. If you go to school and get certified it should be acknowledged anywhere in the United States.

What are most excited about/interested in using with MassageBook? The integrated SOAP notes. This is an area that everyone needs help with. I would love to see some kind of self-generating SOAP note that is more of a point and click type that will generate a soap note with medical terminology that is professionally written.

How do you think MassageBook can help with your business? Better contact with clients. Ease of scheduling. More visibility.

Who are the important people in your life? My wife and the numerous NKT instructors and mentors who are teaching me a gift I can pass on to my clients in the form of living a pain-free life.

What do you like to do for fun? Go camping as much as possible. Hang out with my four Pomeranians. Anything outdoors.

How do you like to relax? On my Biomat or in my back yard in the pool.


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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