Friday Focus – Carrie Smith-Hardee

Carrie Smith-Hardee - Thrive Massage, LLC, Gilbert, Arizona
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  • Favorite healthy food? Vietnamese food for sure. Spring rolls, anyone?

  • Favorite indulgence? Fresh peaches, dripping ripe, right off the tree.

  • Favorite activity? Walking in nature, dancing, and time with loved ones.

  • Favorite movie/book? I’ve always loved the movie “Herald and Maude” It’s such an inspiring message.

  • Favorite music for doing massage? I love the Esalen soundtrack.  Also, who could ever get enough of anything by Soundings of the Planet?  Both of these are just so infused with heart and spirit.

  • Favorite music to listen to? I love folk music and world music. There’s a choral piece called “Blue Boat Home” that I think anyone hearing would find themselves humming joyfully throughout the day.

  • Favorite kind of ice cream?  Chocolate Mint, ever since I can remember!

Background in massage?

Studying wellness for mind, body and spirit has given me so many rich experiences! I began studies in 1997 at the Desert Institute of Healing Arts with a 1,000-hour massage certification program. I have studied Reiki and Energy Healing at The Healing Arts Connection in Phoenix; family and interpersonal studies in the sociology program at Arizona State University; health benefits and research on touch at the Institute for Integrative Healthcare Studies.

I am now independently studying Esalen Massage with amazing mentorship! My sessions focus on bringing holistic well-being to my clients whether through massage, life coaching, energy work or Reiki.

What do you like best about doing massage?

I love that massage lets people experience the healing power of touch.  The science on this is truly amazing. My hope is that the experience of massage inspires my clients to bring more positive touch into their personal lives. Massage connects, heals and empowers!

What inspired you to get into this industry?

I wanted to help people support their wellness naturally. Through both bodywork and life coaching, I get to be a part of profound healing and thriving in my client’s lives.  It’s an inspiration and an honor every day!

What do you find are your biggest challenges – as a therapist? as a business owner?

Right now I’m building a new practice after several years as a full-time parent. It’s both a challenge and a joy, creating a new healing arts vision and building a new practice.

What one thing would you like to change/improve about the massage industry?

The trend toward unethically compensating therapists in many discount massage chains. The physical harm to therapists – from working long, physically demanding hours at such low pay – is something that concerns me greatly.  It’s on the minds of many massage therapists today.

I feel very grateful not to have to endure this myself and to be in private practice. Amazing bodywork is possible when therapists are not overworked! Empowering therapists to succeed in private practice is something MassageBook does so well. You all have really created something wonderful. I hope word spreads!

**What are most excited about/interested in using with MassageBook? **

I love that my clients can purchase gift certificates to Thrive Massage, right on MassageBook. Makes last-minute gift purchases a breeze!

**How do you think MassageBook can help with your business? **

MassageBook has an amazing support staff available, live on the phone.  Besides being people who passionately support the healing arts, they’ve helped a non-technically oriented person such as myself learn how to use MassageBook’s site to build my practice.  They take me step-by-step. It makes a world of difference!

Who are the important people in your life?

My community of family and friends make all the difference.  In all aspects of my life, wonderful people have contributed so much.

What do you like to do for fun?

I love Latin dance, nature, time to just be, and of course, good food!

How do you like to relax?

Receive a wonderful massage, indulge in aromatherapy, write and learn, and a good soak in a hot Epsom Salt bath!

– compiled by Laurie Volkmann

Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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