4 Things Pencil and Paper Can’t Do For Your Massage Practice

You rely on your organized schedule and client records to keep your business running smoothly. If you’re looking to grow your practice, or would just like to simplify and streamline your day to day operations, you can’t afford to ignore what massage practice management software can do for you anymore.
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If you’re still using a dayminder and a pencil to manage your schedule, it’s time to seriously consider the very real advantages of making an online booking solution part of your life. Not only will you find that practice management software makes office life less complicated, reduces the number of booking errors made, and decreases the number of times the phone rings, you’ll also discover that your clients will be much happier with the new setup.

Most importantly, you will experience a significant increase in your yearly revenue. Businesses that have already made the change to online booking report that they’ve experienced as high as a 60% increase in revenue! You can’t afford to ignore that kind of annual revenue boost!


Massage Practice Software Can Provide Huge Time Savings

Until you’ve made the leap from paper to software, you can’t fully grasp just how much office time is dedicated to booking and managing appointments each week. Having an online appointment booking system saves serious time and reduces stress.  Not only will you not be so rushed in between appointments so you can be more present with each client, you’ll be happier and more relaxed as well.  If you have a multi-therapist practice, the benefits of using massage practice management software are compounded even more.

Once the online system is in place, your clients and the software will be self sufficient, allowing you and your staff to focus all their attention on providing clients with outstanding service!


Clients can Book 24/7

You’re not going to believe how much happier your clients are once they can book an appointment any time of the day or night, rather than having to take time out of their busy schedule just to call and book an appointment during office hours. If you’re a solo practitioner, like many are, imagine not having to spend your time between sessions frantically returning emails and texts to clients. The odds are pretty good that once you make the change to online booking, you’ll see a huge increase in pre-booked appointments and that you’ll notice most of these booking were made before or after traditional office hours. Mark Volkmann, founder of Massage practice management software MassageBook, and a massage professional himself, goes so far as to say “The world has changed. People prefer to make purchases for products and services online now. If you own a business that doesn’t offer online self service, you’re at a huge disadvantage over those that do. What’s great these days is that it’s incredibly easy to get your massage or bodywork practice online.”


Send Reminders

Forgotten appointments, rescheduling issues, and cancellations can all add up to a huge loss of income. An online appointment system which shows your clients real time availability and where you set the rules around when clients can book or reschedule can help tremendously. Most automated systems can be set up to send email and text reminders to your clients, ensuring clients showing up at the appointed time. Think of the annual cost of just one missed appointment a month over the course of a year. At $60 a massage, that’s $720 a year. Automated reminders pay for themselves many, many times over.


Send Special Offers

You already know that repeat clients are an important part of keeping your business healthy and growing smoothly, and your automated booking system can help. For example, you can program systems like MassageBook to send special offers to clients who have booked an online appointment in the past, encouraging them into booking more regularly.


Massage Practice Management Software goes mobile

An online booking system means you no longer have to spend your day juggling making new appointments in between seeing clients. What’s more, you can manage your schedule while on the go. Most modern software solutions like MassageBook allow you to manage your appointments from your desktop or laptop computer, your smartphone, or from a tablet.


Once you’ve experience life in your office with a practice management software solution, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it.  Less paper, beautiful organization, flawless record keeping, growth tools – and more time for you!



Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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