MassageBook’s massage practice software gets even better

Ah, spring! Time to sow seeds and shower them with love, care and a little water, so that we may expect something beautiful (or delicious) to grow to maturity in the months to come.
feature image


Spring also happens to be when those pesky weeds start poking their heads out of the soil. The joy of the garden is so much greater when they’re all pulled, isn’t it?

We sowed a few really big seeds and pulled a few weeds this last release to help your garden of practice success grow bigger and faster.

The biggest seed that we hope leads to your practice prospering particularly pleasantly is that your clients can now purchase gift certificates by a specific service online – just in time for Mother’s Day!

Look below for details on this and other new goodies that popped up overnight in MassageBook.

Now, without further delay – let’s take a look at what’s new!

Mark and the MassageBook gardening team

* What’s new for this release *

  • Sell Gift Certificates by service and dollar amount
  • Added Online Booking rule for more control over new client bookings
  • Over 400 muscles added to premium SOAP notes for faster and more accurate note taking
  • Improved handling of new feature activation and deactivation
  • Outcall service addresses automatically saved to client details
  • Simplified pricing plans

Service Based and Custom Gift Certificates


Have you ever received an email notice saying you just sold a Gift Certificate on your MassageBook website?

It feels pretty amazing knowing that your website is out there working for you 24-7, making you money even while you’re doing other things.

Gift Certificates can be one of the most profitable parts of your practice, and while a lot of our folks use Gift Certificates already, we knew we could do even better.

Now you have the option to create Gift Certificates for specific services AND you can even create custom Gift Certificate titles for any dollar amount to sell online or in your office.

  • Note: You’ll need to log into your account, go to the Marketing -> Gift Certificates section and select which services you want to turn on gift certificates for to enable this feature.  Do it now

Timely Tip: Send out an Email campaign TODAY to all your clients letting them know you have Gift Certificates for sale on your website!  

More Control Over Who Gets to Book Online


MassageBook’s settings give you the flexibility to manage your practice the way YOU want to.

For example, it’s important that you have full control over who gets to book online with you (and who doesn’t). To that end, we’ve added a new setting that allows you to control directly which new clients can (or can’t) book online with you.

There are two types of new clients you can control now. Ones that come to you from your own independent website, Facebook, or any other link you’ve created – and then the new clients that MassageBook sends you from the MassageBook search directory.

Each can be controlled independently now in Business Settings.

Take even faster SOAP notes: over 400 muscles added 


Struggling every time you need to spell “plantar fasciitis” correctly in your SOAP notes? Problem solved with the addition of hundreds of muscle names to Premium SOAP notes forms.

Just start typing a few letters of the muscle name and a list of matching results is displayed that you can easily select with a tap or a click.

One of my favorite anatomical terms ever: The “sublingual frenulum”.

The weeds that got attention

  • Immediate activation of optional features across all new and existing appointments. For example: You decide to turn email reminders on. Now reminders are on even for those appointments coming up that were created before you turned reminders on.
  • When a client books an outcall service online and enters their service address during booking, the service address is automatically saved to the client record for future reference.
  • Not really a weed, as much as an improvement that should avoid complexity for some and simplify things moving forward. A la’ carte feature billing has been discontinued. Now we have a simple series of subscription plans to choose from.

Coming next…

  • Easier to use and better looking listing sections
  • Native iOS and Android apps with card swiping
  • Easy single day availability edits
  • Several calendar improvements


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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