Smarter Client Intake Form Requests to Help Keep Your Massage Practice Safe

Accurate, up-to-date client health information is now more important than ever — so we’re just dropping by with a heads-up on a few improvements to Client Intake Forms that went into effect on Tuesday, July 21st.
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1. Automated Client Reminder to Update Their Intake Form

You can now automatically send an email to an existing client that asks them to update their intake form prior to each upcoming appointment.

It’s just like if you manually send a request to update through the client’s record — but now — it can be done for you!

To activate this new setting in MassageBook, go to Business Settings > Client Intake Form and check the box to send intake forms to existing clients.


This separate email request will go out at the same time as the client’s appointment reminder email. You can set that to be as low as 2 hours before the appointment or as far out as 48 hours.

To pick your hours in advance, go to Business Settings > Outgoing Messages > Client Messages > Appointment Reminder Settings.

Note: If you don’t use appointment reminder emails but want to use the new intake form setting, the intake form email will go out 24 hours before the client’s appointment.

2. Exclude Some Clients From Receiving Intake Form Update Requests

The new intake form setting applies to all existing clients that have a completed form on file, but as you are well aware, not all of your clients have the same needs.

Good news — it’s easy to opt out a specific client from receiving an intake form email before each appointment.

Just go to Message Settings in the client’s record and uncheck the intake form box to remove them from automatic requests.


3. More Timely Intake Form Requests for New Clients

Previously, a new client’s intake form email sent at the time their first appointment was booked — but if the client was booking weeks out — that didn’t do you a whole lot of good in terms of collecting their most up-to-date health information right before you saw one another.

In order to ensure that a new client is sharing their health status at the most opportune time before their first appointment, their first email asking to complete an intake form now sends in conjunction with their appointment reminder email.

The same rules on the timing of when an intake form email sends that we discussed in #1 above apply here as well.

But keep in mind, if the appointment is booked within the hours in advance for your reminder emails, the intake form email will send immediately at the time of booking.

Hope these new enhancements help you better navigate getting back to practice safely!

Sign in to MassageBook now to start sending intake form requests to existing clients.

Standing by and ready to help,

The MassageBook Team

Kyle Cannon
Article by
Kyle Cannon


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