Series Updates and more! Release Notes for August 15, 2016

Monday this week my youngest son started 1st grade. On Sunday, the last day of his summer break, I asked him how he was feeling and he shared with me that he was “sad and happy”.
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Sad, he explained, that the summer of carefree fun was over, but happy to get started in his new “grown up kids” school. More evidence that our little man is growing up. I feel sad and happy too…

The end of the summer has always triggered this kind of sentiment in me. Even when I worked as a therapist, I would have to make a conscious mental shift into the post-summer season, committing myself to focus on the opportunity the fall and holidays brought – and away from the summertime outdoor fun I enjoyed so much.

This year, we’re committed to helping you and your practice have the best fall and holiday season ever and I encourage you to “be happy” about the challenges that face you as you grow your practice.

MassageBook has never been more powerful, flexible or easy to use – and the team here is excited to see you (and help you) reach your goals.

Farewell glorious summer mindset, and hello to you, savvy practice owner!

Let’s make good things happen,


What’s new:

  • Schedule 2.0 – Additional enhancements
  • Series Management – manually adjust series counts
  • Mobile App with card reader – Android Beta released
  • Speed improvements

Create income goals with the new Income Calculator  2016-08-17_12-55-13

MassageBookers have been absolutely great about giving us lots of really helpful, detailed feedback on Schedule 2.0. Among several improvements, you’ll notice that we added back the list of upcoming appointments for the current day on the expandable pane to the left of the schedule. Due out next release is the ability to customize your appointment colors and to select whether you want to color appointment blocks by service, or color them by staff. FYI – We’re getting pretty close to saying “good-bye” to the old scheduling version. Expect it to be taken off the navigation menu in the next two to four weeks after we address all known issues.

Manually Adjust Series Balances

How about if you raised your prices by $5? We’re here to help you reach your goals, and the calculator can let you see exactly how to get there. Try it now!

If you’d like to be added to the VIP list, and you have a gmail account, simply email us at The big news with the app? With the optional bluetooth card reader you can purchase from us, you’ll be able to seamlessly check out and receive credit card payments with your phone.  Simply swipe the card, then hand your phone or tablet to your client to specify a tip amount and sign digitally.

Coming Soon: – The ability to select custom appointment block colors on schedule – Color appointments by service on schedule – Customizable Intake Forms – Public booking of series appointments – General availability of Android mobile app with card reader


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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