Mothers Day Massage Gift Certificate sales reach all time high

Just wanted to share a little post Mother’s Day weekend status report.
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One thing that makes MassageBook unique is our extreme focus on helping not only individual practice owners and therapists succeed – but organizing the community of all independent practitioners for the benefit of our profession as a whole.

This past week, the community of MassageBook practices accomplished that goal by selling more Gift Certificates than ever before for Mother’s Day. A lot more! 

Gift Cert Sales

The chart above shows total sales across all MassageBook member practices who are using our integrated payments solution from the beginning of 2016 to now.

See that little blip in mid February?  That’s Valentines Day week.  The above average volume you see there is mostly from Gift Certificate sales the week before the holiday.

See that BIG move up for last week? That’s Mother’s Day week, where we just just launched our improved Gift Certificate solution.  I removed the scale from the chart, but that peak for Mother’s Day week?  That’s at $230,000. How were your Mother’s Day Gift Certificate sales?

MassageBook practices are selling some Gift Certificates!

So now you’re wondering what the heck happened at the end of the chart!? Why is the chart pointing down? No mystery, actually. It’s early Tuesday morning as I’m writing this and each data point represents a single week and is calculated in real time.  Thanks to MassageBook member practices working hard all week, by the end of the week, I’m confident it will be right in line with the other weeks.

What else does this chart tell us?

See the steady growth in sales our member practices are earning? That’s what makes us smile and let’s us know we’re accomplishing our goal of helping practices grow and succeed while keeping things really simple to use.

By working together we CAN compete with large franchises and spas!

Thank you for being part of our mission!

– Mark

New:  Service Based and Custom Gift Certificates

Gift cert

If you missed last week’s release notes, then you’ll want to know that we just released a new and improved Gift Certificates feature to help you sell even more online and in your office.

Use your service menu to easily create Gift Certificates for specific services AND create custom Gift Certificate titles for any dollar amount to sell online or in your office.

  • Note: You’ll need to log into your account, go to the Marketing -> Gift Certificates section and select which services you want to turn on gift certificates for to enable this feature.  Do it now

Not using MassageBook Gift Certificates yet?

Make Father’s Day your best ever

  • Turn on service specific Gift Certificates
  • Send three email campaigns to clients in each of the three weeks before
  • Make sure your Gift Certificates appear online.
  • Do contact us if you would like help setting things up! (843) 352-2026

Increase your own Gift Certificate sales


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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