MassageBook Introduces Premium SOAP Notes

The simplest way to create and organize SOAP Notes
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As a massage therapist and bodywork professional, you know the value of well-written SOAP Notes. Unfortunately, the “well written” part can be a bit challenging when you’re busy. Quite often, you see clients back to back with little time to take comprehensive SOAP Notes. This is why we created MassageBook Premium SOAP Notes.

MassageBook Premium SOAP Notes enable you to take consistent, professional-grade SOAP Notes in a fraction of the time.


Remember the proper SOAP Note format from school? Do you follow this format EVERY time? Don’t feel bad; the whirlwind of the day gets all of us! You’re busy, and taking consistent notes can be challenging, even with the best of intentions.

MassageBook Premium SOAP Notes solve this problem by formatting notes properly every time. Simply fill out the fields, and let the software do all the heavy lifting for you!

In a rush? Don’t worry! Fill in what you can now, save your notes as a draft, and go back at the end of the day to finish.

Do you sometimes forget to even take SOAP notes? Don’t worry; we’ll remind you! MassageBook keeps track of recent clients you’ve worked on and provides a list of those you haven’t created SOAP notes for yet.


Hard to read, handwritten SOAP Notes don’t work very well when you have to share them with other health care professionals and insurance companies. Not consistently following the proper format doesn’t help either. Our Premium SOAP Notes are created electronically, so they’re easy to read and easy to follow. You’ll feel confident sharing your notes with your colleagues and insurance companies!

Increased Accuracy

Visually highlight the specific areas in your notes with deep, layered annotations. Written notes are necessary, but visual notes can be very impactful to help you and your colleagues remember exactly what happened each session.

Billing Preparation

If you currently bill insurance companies then you know the importance of complete and well-written SOAP Notes. Don’t worry about rejected claims just because your notes aren’t clearly written and don’t follow proper formatting. MassageBook Premium SOAP Notes make all this a breeze!

Stay Organized

Every SOAP Note in MassageBook is attached to the client record in your customer database. This makes it easy for you to stay organized and quickly view historical notes for all your clients.

Save Time

Writing quality, professional-grade SOAP Notes can take a long time. Not anymore! With MassageBook Premium SOAP Notes, you can take BETTER notes in half the time!

Learn More

As a professional, it’s important to find ways to be more efficient. Taking better, consistent SOAP Notes without spending extra time is well, efficient!

Want to peek under the hood to see firsthand how MassageBook’s Premium SOAP Notes can make you more efficient? Watch our training video!

Not quite ready to join MassageBook? With our free massage therapy SOAP note form, you can still experience the benefits of digital SOAP notes today.

Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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