How to Refresh & Reset Your Massage Business in 2023

Updated January 5th, 2023
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A new year is here! As a massage therapist, you might wonder what you can do differently over the next 12 months to get your business on a path to greater success in 2023.

The new year feels like a prime opportunity to hit the reset button, but you don’t have to set arbitrary goals like “grow my business by 30%” because that’s what some business guru told you.

Instead, take a few minutes to complete this simple exercise:

  • This year, I want __________

  • This year, I have __________

  • This year, I will __________

  • This year, success looks like __________

These don’t have to be fancy answers. Heck, you can even scribble them down on a piece of paper at your desk. The takeaway is that you create an inventory of what’s important to you and use it to implement solutions that will help you reach your goals.

If any of your answers look like the ones below, then great news, MassageBook can help!

This year, I want more massage clients

How do you get more clients? Marketing, of course!

Still, we know what you’re probably thinking: Marketing takes time, energy, and creativity. My life is already busy enough.

No worries! MassageBook’s easy-to-use marketing tools make it simple to create a powerful marketing strategy that helps you attract new clients, increase repeat visits, and grow your sales. Plus, our email marketing campaigns come with snazzy templates and click-worthy subject lines to keep your clients engaged.

You can even get yourself in front of potential clients simply by getting listed on our professional search directory.

Active on social media? Our Facebook and Instagram integration lets you add online booking to your business pages so you can start converting visitors into paying clients. So now your marketing efforts can go beyond just likes and shares!

This year, I want a more reliable paycheck

We say it all the time, and we’ll say it again: recurring income is the backbone of any successful massage therapy business. So that’s why we built a membership management feature to help massage therapists earn predictable monthly income and build a loyal group of regular clients.

How? It’s simple!

Create a custom membership plan in under five minutes, sign up a few clients, and then sit back and relax while MassageBook auto-collects monthly payments and tracks service credits. As your list of new members starts to grow, you’ll love knowing how much you’re getting paid each month, and your clients will love how easy it is to keep coming back for monthly appointments.

This year, I want to move away from managing my business on pen and paper

Perhaps you’re fed up with the clutter or moved your business to a smaller space during the pandemic. Maybe your home office is starting to look like a filing cabinet maze.

Whatever your reason, there’s never a wrong time to move your business to an online software solution. With MassageBook’s all-in-one business management software, you’ll get:

Moving away from pen and paper might feel like a big job, but it’s easier than you’d think. You can import all your contacts into MassageBook in a few simple steps or enter them manually, one at a time.

The payoff for digitizing your business cannot be overstated, but find your comfort level and adjust when necessary. If you’d like us to show you the ropes before you get started, our friendly and knowledgeable customer success team is here to help you every step of the way.

This year, success looks like spending more time with family and friends

COVID-19 has put a lot of things in perspective. For many, that has meant spending more time with family and friends and exploring hobbies and interests. You can’t do as much of that when a lot your day is stuck behind a desk, can you?

To find a better work-life balance, massage business owners need to invest in technology that frees them up more each day. That’s why we’ve created Minimize Gaps and Premium SOAP Notes. These two features help make you more efficient so you can make the most of your time each day.

Minimize Gaps automatically and intelligently modifies how your online booking openings appear so that clients can only pick appointment times near existing appointments. So finally, you can say goodbye to those annoying long breaks that do nothing but waste your precious hours!

Premium SOAP Notes include an auto-create tool that saves you tons of time and helps you take professional-quality SOAP notes after each session. Just answer a few questions—and BAM!—the note almost writes itself. Need to review it before the client’s next visit? Easy! You can look up all of your SOAP notes in seconds.

Now is the perfect time to experience how MassageBook’s simple yet powerful business management software can help you reach your goals in 2023. First, try every feature free for 30 days. Then pick the best plan for you—including the free-for-a-year Transition Plan.

Get Started Now to Simplify and Grow Your Business

Kyle Cannon
Article by
Kyle Cannon


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