How to Make Your Marketing Copy Better

Words are powerful tools. You can use them to attract potential customers. They can arouse consumer interest in your massage therapy service. They can convert potential customers into paying clients.
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Copywriting uses words to persuade people to buy a product or service or to influence their beliefs in some way. For a massage therapist, the goal for copywriting is to convince potential clients of the benefits of massage therapy and to persuade them to try the massage therapist’s services.

Make It Modern

TV dominated the copywriting world in the last half of the 20th century. With the dawn of the 21st century, things started changing quickly as the Internet began to dominate the world of business. Copywriting has had to evolve to keep up with these changes.

The copywriting you use in your massage therapy business needs to reflect these changes.

Make a personal connection.

One of the major changes brought by the rise of the Internet is a change in consumer perspective. Consumers are no longer impressed by impersonal marketing. They want to make a personal connection with the businesses they patronize. You can do this by telling your story. How did you come to be a massage therapist? Why do you like it so much?

Know your audience.

In order for you to make a personal connection, you need to know your target client. Consumers use products or services that address wants, needs, desires, or pain points in their lives. A potential customer for a massage therapist may have problems with stress and need an occasional massage to relax. Another potential customer may use massage therapy as part of a self-care routine.

Ask your customers for testimonials.

People like to hear what others say about a product or service. Another person’s perspective can convince them to try out something new. You can use testimonials to highlight the benefits that your massage therapy customers enjoy. You can have the customers write out their testimonial or put it on video.

Back up your written words with visual cues.

Consumers do not like to read long pages of text. Pictures help to break up the text and give your readers a visual clue of what you are talking about. If you have a friend who is good with a camera, have him or her photograph a typical massage therapy session (with the client’s consent of course). You can also use stock photos if you do not want to disturb one of your client’s sessions.

Use video whenever possible.

Studies have shown that landing pages with videos have a much higher conversion rate that pages with just text. That fact alone is reason enough to start using video. You can use video to outline the health benefits of massage therapy, to capture customer testimonials, or to offer various bits of advice on healthy living.

Do not use the hard sell.

Most consumers today will not only ignore the hard sell. They will also view your business in a negative light if you use this tactic. They are far less likely to become a client. They are also more likely not to tell friends and family about your service.

Offer useful information.

There is always pressure to sell, sell, sell. But, consumers do not like a pushy salesperson. They are more likely to trust you if you offer advice instead. Create a video offering tips on healthy lifestyle changes that your clients can make to complement your service. Offer quick tips on stress relief. Demonstrate ways to reduce stress between massage therapy sessions. This will build trust with your potential clients and make them more likely to try your service.

Modern marketing still needs high quality copywriting. Make sure your copywriting reflects the modern needs of your target consumer.


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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