How Experienced Massage Practice Owners Get Repeat Business

Today, I want to cover a crucial step in any massage therapy or bodywork practices success – learning how to grow your repeat business.
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The first step to this is, of course, providing a great service. No kind of marketing can compensate for this.

However, great service often isn’t enough. Your clients are busy, they have lots of demands on their attention, and they might simply forget to schedule their next appointment with you.

Why not help them out?

The best way to do this is through email marketing. Basically, you should periodically send emails to your clients.

But what should you write in the emails? It’s up to you, but here are a few pointers to make sure your emails are effective:

1. Imagine that you’re writing to one of your friends.

Don’t try to sound too professional or formal, and don’t try to address your entire client base in one email. Write your email so it’s clear that it’s written by a real person to a real person, and it will be much easier to read.

2. Give valuable and useful information.

Can you offer a new slot that was previously booked? Are you willing to give a discount if somebody books today? Did you just read an article that might be really relevant to your clients who suffer from inflammation due to running?

Think of what your clients will find interesting and useful, and share that with them through email.

3. Include a “call to action” at the end of the email.

Maybe you’re writing to people who haven’t had an appointment with you in the last 30 days, and you are reminding them of the benefits of massage and the wonderful experience they had last time.

Great. But after you’ve done all that, don’t leave them hanging. Tell them to head over to your MassageBook listing, and schedule a massage session for the coming week.

In other words, don’t assume that people will understand what you want them to do (remember, everyone is busy and their attention is divided). Instead, tell them directly.

So much for the pointers. Now, how can MassageBook help you with all this?

Here’s how: MassageBook includes an email marketing platform that makes this whole process easier and more effective.

For example, you can add custom tags to your clients (moms, runners, business owners, etc). Remember how I said that you should send people interesting information? Well, something that’s interesting for a runner won’t be interesting for everyone else. You can use MassageBook’s email marketing to make sure only the right people get your emails.

Here’s another example. MassageBook also makes it easy to automatically send emails to clients who haven’t booked with you in a while (say, 30 days). Without this help, you would have to constantly search for those clients and email them separately.

MassageBook also has a powerful AutoPilot feature for email marketing. Basically, you can schedule regular emails to be sent out to your clients at pre-defined times. This way, you can make sure you build a good relationship with new clients that will encourage them to come back to you.

Are you ready to set up an email to send out to your clients? If you haven’t already, set up a free account in MassageBook now and find out how easy it is!

Create and send an email now!

Want to learn more about email marketing for massage therapists?


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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