7 Ways Massage Scheduling Software drives Business Success

The scenario: Two potential clients just texted you to schedule an appointment - They were referred by your existing clients.
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You couldn’t respond right away because you were in the middle of a session.

After your session ends, you immediately answer. By the time you check out your client, the next one is there and, well, you forget about those texts…

Or maybe all you had time for was a quick “I’ll go check my schedule.” Because, bummer, you left your (paper) calendar at home.

Now it’s the end of the day.

You leave the office in a rush to get home.

The house is a mess, and you haven’t cooked dinner yet. And here come the kids.

At the end of the day the house is a mess, you’re still texting back and forth, arranging appointments with those two clients, one of whom is not responding (dagnabit!).

Our schedules drive our lives - especially as massage therapists.

“But it’s just me!”, you say. I have to work this way.




You don’t.

There’s a very simple solution.

Let technology manage your schedule for you. It’s not as scary as you think.

Massage scheduling software has been designed with you in mind.

And it’s going to save you so much time and stress you’ll never even THINK about going back to a tedious manual process.

By ‘penciling in’ appointments for so long in your massage therapy business, you’ve made it really hard on yourself.

And this isn’t the type of hard work you get rewarded for.

You can consider automating some aspects of your business, to save time, to save money, to do more enjoyable things.

After all, that’s why we all work so darn hard, right?

If you haven’t started using massage scheduling software in your business, there’s no better time to get started. By putting repetitive tasks on autopilot and by allowing clients to help themselves, you can eliminate unnecessary steps, be more productive.

The result?

Increased income, less craziness, and a wonderfully organized practice.

Still not convinced?

Here are 7 more valuable reasons why massage scheduling software is better than pen and paper solutions.

1. Unmatched Data Security


When you lose it on paper, you never get it back. You’ll be surprised how many appointments have been missed or ruined because someone spilt a cup of tea or coffee on their appointment book or lost the book altogether.

Once you start using massage scheduling software, you won’t want to go back to pen and paper.

With cloud-based massage practice management software, you may lose your phone but not your schedule. Information is safe and sound in a secure online storage system.

Client data is sensitive. And you need to adhere to HIPAA guidelines.

The easiest way to ensure you’re HIPAA compliant?

Electronic Healthcare Records - in other words, massage practice management software that enforces HIPAA best practices. Password protection for every user and access restricted to only those you choose to grant access to.

2. Organization


Take advantage of having a single software organize all your business tools: website, SOAP notes, schedule, appointment reminders, email marketing, gift certificates and most importantly your client’s database.

All organized and safe for your peace of mind.

3. Practicality


We’re living in a world that is becoming more mobile friendly each day. The appointment scheduling software market forecasts growth at an annual growth rate of 9.80% between the year 2017-2021.

What this means for your business is that more and more people use mobile devices to find and book massage appointments online. If you’re not using mobile-friendly massage scheduling software, you may as well not be in business.

It’s not just about getting left behind when it comes to technology, it’s about giving your customers what they want.

Massage scheduling software allows your customers the convenience of booking their own appointments online as they please.

And you know what? They LOVE it.

Because we typically remember the things we want to do well after the business day is over…

4. Time-saving


No matter how much you love your clients, going back and forth scheduling appointments, sending reminders and writing SOAP notes can be a nightmare especially during busy days.

Energy = zapped

Massage scheduling software takes the pressure off.

5. Massage scheduling software = Way Fewer Missed Appointments


Software doesn’t forget appointments.

What’s better, it makes sure your clients don’t either.

Perfectly timed email and text reminders help them remember and can virtually eliminate short-notice cancellations or no-shows.

6. Massage Practice Management Software Increases revenues


When you automate your schedule and offer online booking, you’re inviting a huge chunk of consumers who are digital and tech-savvy into your business.

These types of people never call to book appointments, buy goods, get a taxi, or purchase gift certificates. It’s all done online.

7. How Massage Software Increases Productivity


When you have tools such as online booking, email marketing, SMS and email reminders, CRM and more you can streamline your daily business processes.

You can be way more productive with less time and effort!


Imagine a Better Life with your Scheduling Software

Fast forward to this scenario:

You have filled up your Mondays and Tuesdays with as many appointments as you can. Thanks to the appointment reminder your no shows are way down.

You’re feeling more and more confident that your clients will show up when they should.

You notice there’s more time in between sessions. More time at the end of the day.

And it’s quality time. Because you just aren’t as run down.

Be efficient, be happier.

Consider checking out Massagebook if you’d like to try a top-rated massage practice management and scheduling solution.

Sheree Evans
Article by
Sheree Evans


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