3 Father's Day Promotions to Help Your Massage Business Sell More Gift Certificates

Updated June 4th, 2021
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Choosing a gift for Father’s Day is never an easy pick.

Does Dad really need another tie hanging in the back of his closet? He already has enough power tools shoved into the garage to start his own home improvement show. And don’t even try to count the sports gear.

Forget the clutter this time around, and let’s put dads everywhere at ease instead. A gift certificate for use at your massage practice is just what the doctor ordered!

While selling Gift Certificates on their own is always a great idea year-round, running a Promotion or two on them during key times can have a significant impact on the amount that is purchased.

Below you will find marketing ideas and graphics that can help your massage business sell more gift certificates this Father’s Day!

Sell Father’s Day Gift Certificates Using a “More is More” Promotion

The “More is More” technique gives more of a discount the longer the service duration a customer purchases. For example, if someone buys a gift certificate for a 60-minute service, they receive a 15% discount. If they purchase a gift certificate for a 90-minute service, they receive a 25% discount. If you offer other service durations such as 75 or 120 minutes, you can adjust your percentages to accommodate those as well.

Why we love it:

It’s hard to resist a deal where buying more saves you more, and Father’s Day is a great time for people to show that extra love. Plus, Dad will never know how much money was saved (though it would make him quite proud).

How to set up the deal in MassageBook:

Create a single Gift Certificate Promotion that includes each service duration and unique discount.

In this example, both deals will be available for purchase separately through the Promotion’s page:


What you can say to promote it through email and social media:

More is more when you purchase gift certificates for Father’s Day! The longer the service you buy, the more you save. You don’t have to tell Dad what a deal you got, but we’re sure it would make him proud. [Add details and link to your Promotion.]

Graphics you can download for free:

Click me to download! Download graphic #1

Click me to download! Download graphic #2

Sell Father’s Day Gift Certificates Using a “Gift for Him, Gift for You” Promotion

The “Gift for Him, Gift for You” technique is based on a simple premise: When someone buys a massage for someone else, they really wish they were receiving one, too. So for that person, you can provide an incentive for them to go ahead and book their next appointment.

For example, if a client purchases a Father’s Day gift certificate promo, give them the option to save $10 on their own service.

Why we love it:

More appointments! Whether the father receiving the gift certificate is a current client or not, you’re likely to get the purchaser’s business as well. Hello, new earning potential!

How to set up the deal in MassageBook:

Create a Gift Certificate Promotion for Father’s Day, and then create a Service Promotion specifically for clients who purchase the Father’s Day promo.

Keep the Service Promotion private by choosing to leave it off of your MassageBook website like in the example below. It will only be available to clients who have a direct link to it. It’s also a good idea to extend the end date to a week after Father’s Day. That way any last-minute gift-givers who get the link will have time to book their own appointment.


Whenever a client purchases the Gift Certificate Promotion, send that person a private message with the link to the Service Promotion.

When a gift certificate is purchased online, you get an email alert with the purchaser’s name, and all purchasing history is tracked under the Gift Certificates Activity section of your account. This will help you quickly identify who needs to be sent a private link.

What you can say to promote it through email and social media:

There’s nothing better than a gift that keeps on giving. Right now, when you purchase a gift certificate for Dad, you get a little bonus for yourself. [Add details and link to your Gift Certificate Promotion.] Go on, start saving today!

Graphics you can download for free:

Click me to download! Download graphic #3

Click me to download! Download graphic #4

Sell Father’s Day Gift Certificates Using a “Flash Sale” Promotion

The “Flash Sale” technique usually runs for a short period of time like 24 - 48 hours. If you want to add another level of urgency to help drive sales, you can put a cap on how many gift certificates can be purchased at the discounted rate.

Why we love it:

Flash sales get people ready to purchase quickly. They know that time is running out and only a limited amount are available.

How to set up the deal in MassageBook:

Create a Gift Certificate Promotion that is only active for a day or two, and end the deal after a total number have been sold.

In this example, the deal will go live on June 16th and turn off on June 17th.


If 10 are purchased before the end of June 17th, the deal will automatically end. The number available will display publicly on the Promotion’s page as a countdown, and once 10 have been sold, it will update to notify visitors that it has sold out.


How to approach promoting it through email and social media:

Flash sales are most effective when they have a few posts or emails that count down. For example, announce that a flash sale is coming, then remind people it’s happening, and lastly, post or send one more email when it’s nearly over. The thought of missing the deal can cause people to (mildly) panic, and hopefully, make a purchase!

Graphics you can download for free:

Click me to download! Download graphic #5

Click me to download! Download graphic #6

Click me to download! Download graphic #7

Father’s Day will be here before you know it…

Sign in to MassageBook to create a Gift Certificate Promotion today!

Need help getting started?

Watch this video on how to create your own custom deal.

Amber Ludeman
Article by
Amber Ludeman


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