What's New in MassageBook - October 2020, Volume 2

Watch the video below to learn more about new improvements to appointment prepayments, scheduling alerts, and appointment booking requests in the latest release of MassageBook.
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More nifty improvements that will simplify the management of your massage practice are coming in the next few weeks. We love sharing these small gifts with you on a regular basis, but we also wanted to remind you that we’re still hyper focused on building massage software that addresses all your needs — and more!

Here’s a sneak peak at a few of the big-ticket items we’re working on over the next several months:

  • A brand new Cash Register that will open the door for us to build more of the features you’ve been requesting — like inventory management and keeping a client’s credit card on file.

  • A completely new version of the MassageBook mobile app built on a brand new technology platform. It’s going to look amazing and streamline a lot of functions (like checking out if you use Square as your payment processor). Plus, it will also let us build even more features into the app as we continue to develop MassageBook mobile.

Sign in to MassageBook now to explore what’s new.

For a full list of enhancements and bugs fixes that are included in each software release, visit the Update Log in the MassageBook Help Center.

Questions about anything that’s new in MassageBook? We’re standing by and ready to help!

Email us at support@massagebook.com, call us at 843-352-2026, or live chat with us in MassageBook.

Kyle Cannon
Article by
Kyle Cannon


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What's New in MassageBook - June 2020

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