Does Your Marketing Influence Bookings?

Marketing is a major factor in building your client base. Not only do you need to get people in the door, but you also need to get them coming back again and again. In order to do this you must appeal to the strongest factor of decision making. While logic and finance play a role, the most important element is emotion. More than any other factor, our decisions to make particular purchases are determined by emotional motivators.
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Ask yourself why you don’t buy everything generic. Is the name brand version so much better? Not really, but it brings forward an emotional response in you. A particular brand of soda reminds you of fun times with friends, happy holidays with family and the carefree summers of your childhood. And that’s why you will pay 3 times as much for it. Not because its taste is that far superior, but because of the emotions that are tied to the product. Have you ever purchased an item you couldn’t really afford simply because you wanted it? It didn’t make sense logically or financially but emotional reasons override those factors. Emotion wins every time.

Here are a few simple changes to make in your marketing that will appeal to your prospective clients’ emotionality. Developing a powerful emotional motivation for new, as well as returning, clients will help you market yourself in a more meaningful way while also increasing conversion.

Discover what Brought Them to You

It isn’t enough to know that your client wants a massage. The secret to turning a customer into a repeat customer is discovering WHY they have sought out your service.

  • Do they want to alleviate pain?
  • Perhaps they need to eliminate stress and tension.
  • Do they consider a massage an indulgence or an integral part of their total health?
  • The more you know about why a client has come to you, the better you can match your services to their specific needs; and the better you can promote additional services and sessions tailored to those needs. Customization is key.

    Seek out a Deeper Understanding

    When you ask the client “why”, you are likely to get a short, to the point answer. Something like “I have pain in my back” or “I am stressed”.  You need to dig deeper. Asking follow-up questions serves two purposes. It aids in matching them to the best possible services, but most importantly, it gives them the feeling that you really care.

  • Ask how the issue is affecting their life.
  • Discover how this pain or injury is holding them back.
  • Without getting too personal, inquire about how the stress affects other areas of their life.
  • Explain that sometimes what they think is just a surface issue has deeper ramifications.
  • Giving the client a chance to explain the scope of their issue creates the sense that it is something that needs to be dealt with promptly. A sense of immediacy is another strong emotional tool.

    Promote Solutions, NOT Services

    What people want from their time with you is not really a massage. They are actually after the results of the massage. They are coming to you with a problem. You need to show them what solving that problem would bring into their life. Feelings are what you should be promoting, not techniques. It may be easy to say no to a massage—it is more difficult to say no to a better quality of life.

  • How would less pain improve their daily interactions?
  • What activities have they been missing out on that they want to get back to?
  • What feelings (strength, pride, relaxation) would they like to have again?
  • What is their ideal result?
  • Solving problems or bringing dreams to life is a nearly irresistible marketing message.

    Show Them You are on Their Side

    Sympathize with your client. Commiserate and let them know that the two of you are a team. Show them that their problems are your problems and you are going to tackle them together. Don’t use language that creates space between the two of you. Words like ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ show that you are invested in their wellness and recovery.

  • We need to get you back on the tennis court
  • We have a long way to go. But we know it is worth it
  • Taking care of ourselves helps us do a better job of taking care of others
  • It is important for us to make our health a priority
  • Again, it is all about creating an emotional connection. If you have similar experiences share it with your client—they will put more trust in you if they know that you can relate to what they are going through. Letting them know that you have been where they are and come through it will put them at ease. Being comfortable with you is a major factor in a client deciding to return to you.

    Lastly, Bring it All Together

    By following these steps you will create an emotional response in your client. They will see that you care about their health, that you are eager to help, and you want them to be well. They will see massage not just as a treatment but as a solution—a pathway to a better life, to getting back what they have been missing out on and feeling better in general. When promoted in this manner, the emotional appeal is too strong to resist. You’ll be re-booking and growing your business faster than ever.


    Mark Volkmann
    Article by
    Mark Volkmann


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