Do THIS if you want more bookings from Facebook

Getting any new clients from your practice’s Facebook page?
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It’s not as difficult as you may think.

But when we look at what most practices are doing, we see the majority simply ignoring the opportunity Facebook offers to drive new (and existing) clients back onto your table.

Here’s an example of a practice that’s doing it right. This display was taken directly from a practice’s dashboard page in MassageBook and shows where booking activity originated from:


It’s a nice mix across appointments booked by the practice itself, online bookings through the business’s MassageBook website, Facebook bookings, and appointments that were made as a result of email campaigns clients received.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can use Facebook and MassageBook together to increase your income.

Like most marketing challenges, first, you need to attract an audience.

Facebook has a slew of tools to help you do that - which we won’t get into now. Let’s assume you occasionally post or repost content that the folks you’d like to attract find interesting.

If you’re looking for a good source of interesting articles and information to share, take a look at the MassageBookFacebookpage. We’re always posting things that promote the benefits of massage and bodywork to the public.

Never re-posted something on Facebook? Here’s how.

Most likely, you already knew that posting good content will attract some visitors to your Facebook page. Converting them into a booked appointment is what most practice owners struggle with.

Step 1 - Wow them with your professionalism

Make sure that you have a great image and logo to represent your business and interesting articles that demonstrate your knowledge and areas of expertise on your Facebook page.

Step 2 - Provide visitors with overwhelmingly positive “social proof”

This is where reviews play such an important role. Reviews provide your Facebook page visitors with third party assurances that their experiences will also be positive. We make it super-easy: Select the best reviews you received in MassageBook and post them to your Facebook page with a single click. Done.

Step 3 - Close the sale right in Facebook

Now that your Facebook visitor is convinced you’re a pro and that they’re going to have an amazing experience with you, it’s time to get them to book an appointment with you. Don’t send them away from Facebook and risk losing them!

Convert that visitor into a client right in your Facebook site with MassageBook’s one button integration. This displays your service menu and allows online booking ON your Facebook page.

Hundreds of other MT’s and bodyworkers are doing this successfully every single day.

If you’d like a few more clients each month, now you know what to do too…

Questions? We’re always here to support you!

Mark and the MassageBook Team

P.S. - A special note goes out to our bodywork brothers and sisters in the path of hurricane Irma. Be safe, and may the storm cause a minimum of disruption to all of you. Being in Charleston, SC, we’ll undoubtedly feel some of Irma’s wrath as well. Batten down those hatches!

Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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