5 Ways to Thank Your Massage Customers and Keep Them Happy Clients

Updated June 22, 2020
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Gratitude is often underrated, especially in the business world. A great way to set yourself apart from the run-of-the-mill massage therapists is to say “thank you” to your clients in fun, creative ways. Make your gratitude known to those who keep you in business. Try one or more of the ideas listed below to make a lasting impact on your massage clients.

Handwrite a Thank You Note

Nothing says “personal touch” like a handwritten note, especially in today’s tech-centric world. Hardly anyone takes the time to write letters anymore, so this technique is sure to give you an edge over your competition. Additionally, have the letter sent to your client’s home (rather than giving it to him or her during a massage visit). It will be an unexpected surprise that’s sure to delight. You can do this for new clients, pick one or two people at random, or choose only repeat customers. Just remember to make it personal!

Surprise Someone With an Upgrade

What better way to say “thank you” to a loyal client than by adding an extra half-hour or so to their session, for free? Don’t tell them ahead of time - wait until you’re getting ready to start your session and then ask if they have a little time to spare. Not only is this a favorite with massage clients, but it doesn’t cost you a dime but your time. Be sure you schedule yourself accordingly that day to avoid conflicts.

Party It Up

This one’s a classic in some businesses, but you may not have thought it could work for you. Throw a party for all your clients. Note that using your own home is okay if you don’t have access to the clinic in which you practice. The celebration can be as big or as small as you’d like, depending on your budget. Make it fancy by holding a wine tasting, or keep it low-key with a picnic-style get-together. Again, remember that this is not a marketing event, so keep your focus on showing gratitude.

Referral Rewards

Introducing a rewards program for your loyal clients is a great way to say thank you. And an even better way to get the “buy in” would be to backlog some rewards for those that have sent you referrals in the past. For example, if you need 10 referrals to get a free 1-hour massage, you could backlog two or three referrals where appropriate.

Looking for others ways to build your massage business through a referral program? Learn how to up your game here.

Send a Gift Certificate

This reward is also tied to potential new revenue, making it a win-win. When you send a handwritten thank you note, you can slip in a $10 or $20 gift card. You can also try suggesting a new service that they’ve never tried, especially if you think it would be helpful for a particular issue they have.

This is by no means an all-inclusive list; there are numerous creative ways to thank your massage clients. The important thing is that, no matter which method you choose, you do it right and do it often. Showing gratitude to your existing clients will no doubt benefit you. After all, appreciated people are happy people, and happy people refer friends and family. So by all means, show your appreciation!


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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