How To Create A Brand And Messaging People Care About

If you’re thinking about expanding your massage practice you might want to consider branding from the bottom-up, then look for ways to hone a brand identity that gets results.
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Today’s clients are barraged with commercials, signs, and salespeople pulling them in a million different directions in an attempt to win over their business.

For clients to wade through all of this material and make it to your practice’s brand and ultimately into your practice, you need a brand identity that is easily digestible and sets you apart from the competition.

What Purpose Does Branding Serve?

Ideally, your brand identity does two things – it puts one image, preferably a good one, in the client’s mind and, secondly, your brand serves as a mecca for embodying your practice’s core values and business culture.

A large part of your brand identity should focus on the value you bring to clients and the image that clients associate with your practice.

Although brand identity can be loosely quantified into constituent parts – like your practice’s logo, name, style and public perception – brand identity transcends these elements and works as a set of values and unifying business culture that your employees and the general public call to mind when thinking about your practice.

Creating a brand identity is an incredibly important step to take, but determining the ideal marketing tack can be challenging. Here are some tips to help.

Consider Your Culture and Practice’s Clients

From mega-businesses like Apple and Amazon to small businesses around the United States, effective marketing campaigns take into account the company’s internal culture and work ethic alongside the audience that the outreach is intended for.

By taking into account your audience’s perspective, you’re one step closer to erecting an effective marketing campaign.

Survey Your Clients. Ask Questions.

Getting proactive with your massage practice’s clients and inquiring about the kinds of services that matter to them could help you to incorporate new services that have a high chance of paying off years down the road.

Most clients are happy to tell what what they like about your current menu of services – and even what they really don’t like! – in the form of surveys and social media reviews.

Take the time to solicit and read through these reviews for insights into your customers’ habits and preferences.

Creating an Internal Brand Identity

Internally, you want to consider the qualities that make your practice stand out from the competition and incorporate the most positive elements into your brand identity.

You might even want to craft a brand identity and work on conveying that message to the public with an ideal client in mind.

An ideal client is someone who you already have a deep, mutual emotional connection with and a client who already loves your brand.

If you create and disseminate your brand’s message with this client in mind, you’re more likely to deliver a targeted and ultimately effective brand identity.

This is what all the great, behemoth companies naturally do. Nike, Starbucks and Apple deeply understand their clients, their pursuits and ambitions, and the kinds of goods and services that they’re looking for.

Because Nike and these other companies maintain their brand identity with this ideal client in mind, the marketing campaigns are often bulls-eyes – or darn close – to what the client wants to get out of interacting with the brand and ultimately the company.

Bringing your Brand Identity to the Public

If you understand your practice’s clientele, you probably have a working idea of where that kind of client likes to research, browse and shop.

Your practice’s brand is most effective when it can be distilled down to one image or phrase and when it reaches clients in the places they like to spend their time.

Take your brand identity onto social media websites or blogs, if that’s where your clients pass the time.

Treat promotions as a way to retain loyal clients and reel in new customers – and expose your brand! – rather than as a deeply-discounted string of near-freebie services.

Takeaway Points on Brand Identity and Marketing

It’s important to convey your message, values and services in everything that touches your brand. Your branding and marketing campaign should be an authentic extension of the services your clients really enjoy.

Overall, your brand would ideally bring together your practice’s driving purpose, values, and raft of services in a tactful way that enhances your practice’s emotional connection with its audience.

Conveying this kind of message is contingent on first understanding your clients and their desires.

You probably already have a good idea of the services that work, and those that should be scrapped, so the only thing left to do is create a brand identity that gets more clients through the door!


Mark Volkmann
Article by
Mark Volkmann


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