Create Better, More Consistent SOAP Notes

MassageBook’s electronic SOAP notes simplify how you track and organize your client’s progress. They’re seamlessly tied to each client’s record—making it easy to find past notes and create new ones for a full historical view. They’re also ultra secure, so you’ll never have to worry about security issues. Say goodbye to paper SOAP notes for good. Add a whole new level of sophistication to your note-taking today!
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Additional resources

The payment processing industry is constantly evolving, presenting better solutions to create more positive experiences for customers. Your practice needs to stay ahead of the game and be ready to adapt. Whether it’s embracing the next big thing in secure payments or tailoring your services to match shifting consumer trends, keeping your finger on the pulse of the industry will only help you to grow and succeed. If you’re interested in learning more about running a massage therapy practice, check out these additional resources:

Kyle Cannon
Article by
Kyle Cannon


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Track and Manage Client Activity

How to Write SOAP Notes for Massage: A Guide + Free Template

5 Key Features You'll Want in a SOAP Notes App for Massage Therapists