If you have been ignoring your Google rank, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to attract new clients. Don’t let other practices near you win new clients with a higher Google rank. Start by monitoring your local rank.
One thing to keep in mind is that Google is continuously refining their search engine results pages and customizing results for individuals based on previous searches, location and demographic. Therefore, it’s important to remember that monitoring your Google rank for your focus keywords is not a perfect system.
Before you can start improving, you need to benchmark where you are currently. To do this: open an incognito window in Chrome or use the private browsing feature in Firefox or Safari. Each of these options allows you to search without your previous browsing history being taken into account. Then search for your business name (or your name) and see where you show up (page 1, page 2, page 10).
Then begin searching for your focus (or target) keywords. These are words and phrases you think people would use most frequently to describe your business, and the words for which you’d like to rank highly. Some examples of this might be:
Dave Lundt massage therapist
Lundt massage therapy
Massage therapy Costa Mesa
If you do not have a website or directory listing
It’s important to start establishing a web presence that is both consistent and correct.
No matter where you’re starting, there are lots of techniques you can try to get found online. Because Google is such a powerful tool for finding businesses, it’s important that you’re able to cut through the noise. Are you doing innovative things to improve your business’s visibility online? We want to hear about them! Share with us on the MassageBook Facebook page.